Pilotcore Pilotcore


Optimized AWS Integration for Collage: A Comprehensive Solution by Pilotcore

Executive Summary

Collage, a SaaS company specializing in HR, benefits, and payroll solutions, recognized the need to fortify and optimize its AWS infrastructure to support its evolving needs. Engaging with Pilotcore, they embarked on a transformative journey. With expertise in AWS consulting and development, Pilotcore undertook the project with precision, addressing implementation, integration, and crucial security and compliance considerations, all while staying on-time and within the budget.

About Collage

Collage, headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, operates within the Software domain with a team of approximately 30 dedicated employees. Collage positions itself as the ultimate HR, benefits, and payroll solution provider, designed meticulously to streamline the management of employees for businesses.

Collage's infrastructure, not yet optimized with infrastructure-as-code, needed enhancements for performance, scalability, and security while harnessing AWS's capabilities. Their software's complexity demanded a bespoke migration strategy, ensuring future growth, security, and seamless staff interaction with the new AWS setup.

The Challenge

Collage's existing infrastructure, which had yet to fully embrace the advantages of infrastructure-as-code, required a significant overhaul to guarantee optimal performance, scalability, and, most of all, security. Eager to utilize the extensive capabilities of AWS, Collage was aware that they lacked the profound expertise needed for a smooth transition, a gap that could lead to potential service disruptions and jeopardize their data.

In addition, the complex nature of their software necessitated a bespoke strategy for migration and integration, leveraging infrastructure as code practices. This strategy had to not only cater to their present needs but also be forward-looking, anticipating future growth and expansion, without compromising on stringent security and compliance measures. An additional layer to this challenge was ensuring that their staff could easily navigate and operate within the new AWS environment, a transition that demanded comprehensive training and a user-centric interface.

Why Collage Chose Pilotcore

The choice of partnering with Pilotcore emerged from a confluence of factors: Pilotcore's commendable online ratings, their proximity to Collage's geographical location, competitive pricing, and undeniable value for cost. The discovery through an online search and the Clutch Site further cemented their decision.

Why Collage Chose AWS

Aiming for industry-standard practices in implementing capabilities on AWS, Collage sought to take full advantage of the AWS platform, while emphasizing security, scalability, high-availability, high-performance, and effective monitoring.

The Solution

Pilotcore's engagement with Collage initiated with a deep dive into understanding the company's specific needs and objectives. Drawing on their extensive expertise in AWS and DevOps, they provided thought leadership and education, ensuring that the Collage staff was adeptly trained to harness the full potential of the AWS platform. This foundational step was crucial, aligning the visions of both entities and ensuring the project started on a note of mutual understanding and trust.

In the next phase, technical discovery and requirements analysis took center stage. Pilotcore took deliberate steps to identify technology and design decisions that would serve Collage's goals best. To ensure seamless integration, Pilotcore architects curated specialized AWS and DevOps solutions, with a particular emphasis on deploying best practices for AWS. This was not just about setting up; it was about ensuring future scalability and adaptability.

Harnessing the power of Terraform, an open-source infrastructure as code software tool, the team formulated an infrastructure that could be consistently and predictably replicated, ensuring that the client could maintain similar environments across different stages. This strategy was enhanced by the introduction of a multi-account landing zone using AWS Control Tower, reinforcing security, compliance, and streamlined operations across multiple AWS accounts.

Lastly, the security dimension was of paramount importance. Pilotcore's approach was marked by close attention to Collage's security and compliance requirements. The goal was to ensure the AWS architecture not only met but exceeded these standards.

Results & Benefits

The implementation of Pilotcore's solution led to numerous benefits for Cold Bore Capital.

  • Fully Integrated Staging Environment

    Pilotcore's expertise ensured Collage's staging environment was holistically integrated with AWS services such as ECS, CloudFront, load balancing, Fargate, and cron jobs.

  • Fully Automated Deployments

    Through Pilotcore's solutions, Collage witnessed the power of fully automated deployments, significantly reducing manual intervention and accelerating release cycles.

  • Full Infrastructure as Code

    By adopting a comprehensive Infrastructure as Code (IaC) approach, Collage achieved consistent, repeatable, and scalable infrastructure setups, ensuring streamlined operations and reducing potential human errors.

  • Enhanced Observability

    With integrated monitoring and logging solutions, Collage gained heightened observability into its systems. This allowed for proactive issue detection, better performance analytics, and more informed decision-making.